

If you have purchased this product before (v1.5.0), please go to Migrating site.

Unzip the downloaded file

After upzipping the product file, you'll see 2 folders:

Upzip 1

  • unit-convert: product folder

Upzip 1

  • v14.17.6: Node.js folder


Test Node.js

Open the Node.js folder:


Press Shift + Right Click to open Terminal (or Powershell, you can use any terminal you want):

Nodejs 2

Run this command to verify that Nodejs working:

./node -v

Nodejs 2

Install VSCode (Optional)

Visual Studio Code (easier for editting)

Install here

How to install

Run the site on localhost


../v14.17.6/npm run dev

Note: I use Node v12 in this video, but Node v14 still uses the same